Eastland Suites
Hotel and Conference Center
Urbana, Illinois


Conference Facilities

Our conference facilities feature six well-equipped meeting and banquet rooms. Our professional staff is prepared to cater to your every need. Our meeting rooms are rented per session: morning, afternoon, evening.
Available upon request: Chalkboards, flip charts, free standing podium, table podium, dance floor, microphone/PA, risers, screens and other AV equipment.

Number of People
Room Dimensions (feet) Theater Classroom Reception Round Straight Booths Square Feet
Heritage 25x42 100 70 150 64 90 - 1050
Lamp 25x36 75 55 75 48 60 - 900
Heritage/Lamp 67x25+ 175 130 225 112 150 - 1950
Snyder 25x42 100 70 200 64 90 11 (8x10) 1050
Oak 20x50 30 24 50 48 40 - 1000
Gate Lodge 30x30 50 30 60 30 60 - 900
Conference Room #2 9x18 - - - - 10 - 162

Eastland Suites Urbana
1907 N. Cunningham Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
Toll-Free (800) 253-8331
Local: (217) 367-8331